Evolve Basics and Advanced
IDOL courses Academy
16 hours
Evolve, Figma, Canva, Zoom
Instructional designers, eLearning developers
Peek behind the curtain of the Evolve eLearning authoring tool. Explore the course while you watch the videos to see more of the Evolve back-end interface.
Launch the course in a new window for the best experience.
Evolve course
I volunteered to create a video about Evolve for instructional designers at IDOL courses Academy. I use Evolve in my current role and wanted to help other professionals learn this tool. Before making the video, I created a course that featured the basic elements of Evolve but I didn't stop there! I wanted to showcase advanced features that I use in my courses, specifically the infographic component. I ended up creating two videos, one for each page in the course.
I wrote the course content, created the graphics using Canva and Figma, developed both the theme and course in Evolve, and recorded the videos using Zoom. After recording the videos, I revised the course so it can be a stand-alone eLearning experience.